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Belong @ DataRobot Resolutions for 2023 Belong @ DataRobot is our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging initiative with a mission to create communities...

Belong @ DataRobot is our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging initiative with a mission to create communities, spaces, and experiences where we can listen, help, and bring value to our teammates in meaningful ways. In the first year of operation, Belong has proudly established seven communities, including: 

  • ACTnow! advocates for the diverse needs of all Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander teammates through educational, cultural and social activities;
  • ADAPT provides education and allyship to advocate for and empower our teammates with disabilities to ensure an inclusive work environment;
  • BEACON aims to advance a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community that fosters a culture of belonging for Black teammates both current and future;
  • LATTITUD is dedicated to connecting the Latin/Hispanic community in a supportive and uplifting environment while creating space to share ideas, struggles, resources, and celebrate our diverse cultures and accomplishments;
  • PrideBots provides an open, safe, inclusive community where members can connect on common interests or backgrounds and celebrate all sexes, gender identities, gender expressions and orientations;
  • Veterans brings together those who have served in all branches of the military for ongoing resources, support and networking; and
  • Women @ DR seeks to create, promote and expand an inclusive culture that connects, educates and advances the needs, professional goals and aspirations of our community of female-identifying members and allies. 

Looking ahead to 2023, Belong @ DataRobot will continue its commitment to supporting, encouraging, and honoring our unique cultures and experiences. We’ve asked the Belong Community leaders to each write a resolution for their communities for 2023.

Alex Shoop ACTnow removebg preview Leader Alex Shoop (he/him) wrote on behalf of the ACTnow! (Asians Coming Together Now) Community

In 2023, we will celebrate the year of the rabbit, which symbolizes patience and luck. On behalf of the ACTnow! community, 新年快乐! あけましておめでとうございます!Navvarshabhinandan! We hope that 2023 brings our community great health and wealth, as well as sharing many Asian traditions, learning, and allyship together.

Lelia Colley beacon on gray Leader Lelia Colley (she/her) wrote on behalf of the BEACON (Black Employees and Allies Changing Outlooks Now) Community

In 2023, BEACON will focus on ACTION. We are committed to Achievement, Change agency, Taking a stand with allies, Inspiring connection, Overcoming hurdles, and Never giving up. BEACON is also looking to connect with and be a resource for Black teammates at DataRobot. The new year will serve as a way forward for BEACON to expand our reach and impact.

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” – Lao Tzu.

Lisa Aguilar Leader Lisa Aguilar (she/her) wrote on behalf of the LATTITUD (Latinx, Hispanics and Allies in Tech Together Influencing Technology Inclusion and Uniting for Diversity) Community

After getting past some external noise and big internal changes, we worked to navigate and launch the LATTITUD community in a meaningful way. In 2023, LATTITUD will celebrate and learn about each other’s personal and professional journeys and build a better internal community. We will work to support each other and create deep community ties so we can show up as a united group for Spanish Heritage month and for each other throughout the year. The first two wins will be interviewing everyone in LATTITUD, as well as standing up and getting ELT to support Belen’s Women in Data program for 2023.

Em Radkowski pridebots removebg preview Leader Em Radkowski (she/her) wrote on behalf of the PrideBots Community

In 2023, PrideBots will promote the theme of “visibility,” not just in our own company, but by dedicating more time to volunteering in our local communities to show support and allyship. By continuing to share stories both externally and internally, we will demonstrate that LGBTQIA+ people can not just survive, but thrive in the corporate world and in our communities. Let’s get visible in 2023 and stand in solidarity with each other. 

image12 Victoria Rege Brook Miller Women@DR
Leaders Teresa Gearin (she/her), Brook Miller (she/her) and Victoria Rege (she/her) wrote on behalf of Women@DR

The theme for 2023 International Women’s Day is #BreaktheBias. We resolve to honor this initiative by embracing equity, which means challenging gender stereotypes, drawing attention to bias, and seeking out inclusion. 

As we continue creating a culture of inclusivity and belonging, we call our leaders to put our values into action with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging always at the top of their minds. We hope to inspire our employees to seek belonging for themselves and others through simple and meaningful activities and through our Employee Resource Communities. 

Being a resource for our employees is also one of our top priorities. The National Diversity Council has a list of 10 activities anyone can participate in to promote personal DEI awareness. We’ve chosen our top three to share with our employees: 

  1. Become a better ally. We’ve heard a lot about being an ally, but what does that look like in practice? Allyship can often show up as passive or performative. Think instead of active ways to support colleagues and friends, even if it means getting out of your comfort zone.
  2. Broaden your reading list. If you typically read books by people who look like you and have a similar background, consider branching out with your next book purchase. Regardless of genre, books give us insight into peoples’ lives. We can’t learn about others if we never enter their worlds.
  3. Rest and Reset. Tapping into all that DEI means can be challenging, because it causes us to address uncomfortable realities, relive personal traumas, and confront our own shortcomings. Learn to take short breaks that refresh and strengthen you to be able to continue your work.

Wishing all our communities, employees, and families a wonderful New Year!

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