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A Note to TDS Contributors We’re slowing down a bit during the holiday season 2021 has been an eventful and exciting year for the TDS team. As...

We’re slowing down a bit during the holiday season

2021 has been an eventful and exciting year for the TDS team. As we get closer to its finish line, we’ll be taking some much-needed time to recharge and catch our breath. While we’ll continue to publish new posts over the next couple of weeks, the turnaround time to review submissions (from current and new authors alike) will likely be longer than its usual, breezy pace.

If you’d like to share your new work with us anyway, go for it — just keep in mind we’ll probably need more time to review it (and to respond to your queries, questions, and comments). As an alternative, we also invite you to hold on to your exciting new projects until the week of January 3, when we’ll be back in full force and eager to read your drafts.

Thank you for your understanding! For any of you celebrating this month, we wish you happy, safe, and relaxing holidays.

We can’t wait to see again you in 2022,

The TDS Team

Photo by Simon Infanger on Unsplash

A Note to TDS Contributors was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

from Towards Data Science - Medium
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